Camper Ages
Braeburn campers are divided into 3 age groups so we can provide appropriate and engaging programming:
PeeWee = 6, 7, 8 years old
Junior = 9, 10, 11 years old
Teen = 12, 13, 14 years old

If your son or daughter is on the edge of one of these age ranges, and would like to change age groups, consult the Registrar as to which session would be most appropriate.
After years of experience we have found that some PeeWee campers would like to stay for the whole week and some Junior campers are not ready for that much time away from home.
We have designed camps of different lengths and age ranges to try to meet these needs. In camps with a wide range of ages, your son or daughter will share a cabin with others campers close to his or her age as best we can.
Please contact us with questions or concerns.